ECC at California Academy of Sciences

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Concert and Performance Dates

This Thursday the ECC appears as a guest of Youth Radio and BoingBoing for NightLife, the weekly Thursday grown-up night (i.e. the bar is open) at the California Academy of SciencesWe'll demonstrate and discuss the VidiMasher 3000 and will be joined by Tom Zimmerman, who will show of his own toys as well.  This is a rare Bay Area opportunity to look under the hood of our newest invention!  Plus if you haven't seen the new California Academy of Sciences building in Golden Gate Park (we haven't) it's a great opportunity to do that.  While drinking.

Also featuring the Red Bull 45s event, followed by a DJ set by hip-hop pioneer Jazzy Jay.

WHAT: NightLife: Youth Radio/BoingBoing discussions with The ECC and Tom Zimmerman
WHEN: This Thursday, May 21 2009 / Event: 6p - 10p / ECC: 7p
WHERE: California Academy of Sciences / Golden Gate Park / 55 Music Concourse Drive
HOW MUCH: $10 at the door or online: